Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I want to grow

Grant has been interested lately in how things grow. This is due mainly to the fact that Peter and I are constantly saying things like, "you need to eat your veggies so that you grow big and strong" or "you need to eat some meat so you grow". So, it's no wonder that the other day he told me that "I need a Z bar mommy so that I can grow" (for those of you Moms who haven't discovered these they're the kid version of a cliff bar and they are yummy) We've also been talking a lot about why we water the grass and why it rains? Can you tell we've entered the "why" phase? So because we've been explaining that watering the grass makes it grow and when it rains the trees and plants get a drink so that they can grow it makes sense that he wanted to use the watering can on Maggie so that "she can grow too". I guess he's ready for her to be big enough to play with him!


Amalia said...

Ha! I love it!

Jody said...

Cute! I will never forget when the boys started playing togther. Justin just learned to sit up. We put Jusin in a box & Jacob would push him around the house. Oh how I enjoyed watching them.